Gone are the days of cluttered DVRs and limited storage space for your favorite shows. With YouTube TV‘s cloud DVR, you have unlimited storage to record and save all your must-watch programs. However, as your library grows, it’s essential to know how to delete shows on YouTube TV to clear up space and keep your recordings organized.

In this article, I will guide you through the process of deleting shows on YouTube TV, as well as provide important tips to maximize your recording experience. Whether you want to remove a single episode or prevent future recordings, I’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways:

  • Deleting shows on YouTube TV is done by removing the entire series, as individual episodes cannot be deleted.
  • Deleted recordings are stored in the “deleted” section and can be restored within 60 days.
  • YouTube TV’s cloud DVR storage is unlimited, but recordings are automatically deleted after 9 months.
  • Use playlists and the search function to organize and manage your recorded content effectively.
  • Consider creating separate profiles for multiple users to avoid accidental deletions.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Deleting YouTube TV Recordings

Before you proceed to delete shows on YouTube TV, it’s important to understand a few key points. Deleting shows on YouTube TV is a straightforward process, but there are some factors you should consider:

1. Deleting Individual Recordings within a Program

Unfortunately, YouTube TV does not allow you to delete individual recordings within a program. If you want to remove a specific episode, you’ll need to delete the entire series. Keep this in mind to avoid any unintended deletion of recordings.

2. Automatic Removal After 9 Months

Individual recordings on YouTube TV are automatically removed after 9 months. This is an important consideration, especially if you have older recordings that you may still want to access. Make sure to download and back up any important recordings before they are automatically deleted.

3. Unlimited Cloud DVR Storage

Deleting recordings on YouTube TV does not free up storage space because YouTube TV offers unlimited cloud DVR storage. This means that deleting shows will not create additional space for new recordings. However, regular deletion of unwanted shows can help you keep your library organized and make it easier to find the content you want to watch.

“Deleting recordings on YouTube TV does not free up storage space, as YouTube TV’s cloud DVR storage is unlimited.”

Now that you are aware of these considerations, let’s proceed to the next section to learn how to delete shows on YouTube TV.

How to Delete Shows on YouTube TV

To delete a show on YouTube TV, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the YouTube TV app or website.
  2. Navigate to the Library tab.
  3. Locate the show or program you want to remove.
  4. Click on the three stacked dots next to it.
  5. Select “Added to Library.”

This will remove the program from your saved recordings, freeing up space for new content.

“Deleting shows on YouTube TV is a straightforward process that allows you to manage your recorded content effectively.”

Preventing Future Recordings on YouTube TV

Preventing Future Recordings on YouTube TV
Clearing Up Space: How to Delete Shows on YouTube TV

To ensure that you no longer have recordings of specific shows on YouTube TV, you have two options: remove the entire series from your library or change your recording preferences. Follow these steps to prevent future recordings:

  1. Open the YouTube TV app or website.
  2. Navigate to the Library tab.
  3. Locate the show you want to prevent from recording.
  4. Click on the three stacked dots next to the show.
  5. Select “Added to Library.”

By removing the show from your library, it will no longer record additional episodes. This ensures that you have full control over the content you want to keep on YouTube TV.


“I wanted to stop YouTube TV from recording a particular show that I no longer watch. I followed the steps and removed the show from my library. Now, I can enjoy a clutter-free television experience without worrying about new episodes of the show being recorded.” – Jane Doe

Recording Preference Settings:

You can also adjust your recording preferences within the YouTube TV app or website to prevent future recordings. By changing your settings, you have the freedom to customize which shows are recorded automatically.

Record New EpisodesEnable or disable the automatic recording of new episodes for a specific show.
Record All EpisodesChoose to record all episodes, including reruns and new episodes, for a particular show.
Record Only New EpisodesRecord only new episodes of a show, excluding any reruns.

By adjusting these settings to your preference, you can fine-tune your recording options and avoid cluttering your library with unwanted shows.

Understanding YouTube TV’s Recording System and Storage Limits

YouTube TV offers a convenient way to record live content and access it later through their cloud storage. Let’s dive into how YouTube TV’s recording system works and understand the storage limits.

The Recording Process

When you record a show on YouTube TV, it is stored in the cloud, allowing you to access and stream it on various devices. This means you can watch your favorite shows anytime, anywhere.

No Limit to the Number of Recordings

Unlike traditional DVRs, YouTube TV offers unlimited cloud DVR storage, allowing you to record as many shows as you want. There’s no need to worry about running out of space!

Automatic Deletion after 9 Months

While there’s no limit to the number of recordings you can have, each recording is automatically deleted after 9 months. This ensures that your cloud storage remains optimized and clutter-free.

Back up Important Recordings

If you have recordings that hold sentimental or significant value, it’s recommended to download and back them up on your personal storage devices. This way, you can keep them indefinitely, even after they are deleted from YouTube TV’s cloud storage.

Now that you understand YouTube TV’s recording system and storage limits, you can make the most out of your recorded content. Remember to download and back up important recordings to ensure they are not lost. Let’s move on to the next section to learn some best practices for organizing and managing your recorded content on YouTube TV.

Best Practices for Organizing and Managing Your Recorded Content on YouTube TV

When it comes to managing your recorded content on YouTube TV, organization and efficiency are key. Follow these best practices to keep your library clutter-free and make the most of your viewing experience.

1. Use Playlists to Organize

One effective way to keep your recorded content organized is by utilizing playlists. Create playlists based on genres, categories, or personal preferences. This allows you to easily access and navigate through your favorite shows without getting overwhelmed by a long list of recordings.

2. Take Advantage of the Search Function

With a vast amount of recorded content in your library, finding a specific show or episode can sometimes be challenging. Luckily, YouTube TV offers a powerful search function that can quickly locate the recordings you want. Simply enter keywords, show titles, or even actor names into the search bar, and it will display relevant results.

3. Regularly Clean Out Your Library

To keep your YouTube TV library organized and free up storage space, it’s important to regularly delete shows that you no longer need. Removing recorded content that you have already watched or no longer have an interest in will make it easier for you to find the shows you want to watch. Use the provided steps in Section 1 to delete shows on YouTube TV.

4. Consider Creating Separate Profiles

If you have multiple users sharing an account, consider creating separate profiles for each person. This allows everyone to have their own personalized library and recommendations, reducing the chances of accidentally deleting someone else’s recordings.

By implementing these best practices, you can efficiently manage your recorded content on YouTube TV, ensuring a clutter-free library and a seamless viewing experience.

Best PracticesBenefits
Use playlists to organize showsEasy access to favorite recordings
Utilize the search functionQuickly find specific shows or episodes
Regularly clean out your libraryFree up storage space and reduce clutter
Create separate profilesPersonalized libraries for each user

Restoring Deleted Recordings on YouTube TV: When Mistakes Happen

If you accidentally delete a recording on YouTube TV, don’t worry! You can easily restore it within 60 days. To get started, follow these simple steps:

1. Go to the “deleted” section in your YouTube TV library.

2. Select the recording you want to restore from the list of deleted shows.

3. Click on the “restore” button to bring the recording back to your library.

It’s important to note that sometimes restored recordings may take some time to show up again in your library, so be patient. If you want to avoid accidental deletions in the future, consider being cautious when deleting recordings or creating separate profiles for each user in your household.

YouTube TV understands that mistakes happen, and they provide a simple solution to restore deleted recordings. So if you ever delete a show by accident, you can easily recover it and continue enjoying your favorite content.

Take full control of your YouTube TV library and keep your favorite shows and recordings intact with the ability to restore deleted recordings. Enjoy the flexibility and ease of managing your content and feel confident knowing that you can always bring back any accidentally deleted recordings on YouTube TV.

Keep your YouTube TV experience worry-free and make the most of your recorded content today!

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