YouTube is a popular video platform, but many users are concerned about their privacy and wonder if others can see what they watch.

In this guide, we will explore the various privacy settings and features available on YouTube to help you protect your viewing habits, manage ad personalization, control your watch history, and maintain the privacy of your own videos.

can people see what i watch on youtube
Can People See What I Watch on YouTube?

Key Takeaways:

  • YouTube provides privacy settings to control the visibility of your video preferences, subscriptions, and playlists.
  • You can turn off or customize ad personalization to reduce targeted advertising.
  • Deleting your watch and search history helps maintain privacy and prevent others from seeing your viewing habits.
  • Take advantage of privacy settings for your own videos to control who can see your content.
  • Be cautious about sharing personal information in your videos to protect your privacy.

How to Hide Your Video Preferences

When it comes to privacy settings on YouTube, you have the power to control who sees your video preferences.

By customizing your settings, you can keep your video viewing habits private. Here’s how you can hide your video preferences on YouTube:

  1. On the web: Go to your YouTube homepage, click on your avatar icon, and select “Settings.”
  2. In the “Settings” menu, click on “Privacy.”
  3. Under the “Privacy” section, you can customize the visibility of your liked videos, subscriptions, and saved playlists.

On the mobile app, the process is just as easy:

  • Tap on your avatar icon in the YouTube app.
  • Select “My channel.”
  • Under the “Privacy” section, you’ll find options to toggle the privacy settings for your liked videos, subscriptions, and saved playlists.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your video preferences remain private.

Take control of your privacy settings on YouTube and enjoy a more personalized experience without worrying about others seeing your video habits.

YouTube privacy
Can People See What I Watch on YouTube?
Quick Links

Turning Off or Customizing Ad Personalization

YouTube tracks the videos you watch to deliver personalized ads. If you want to turn off ad personalization, you can go to the “Settings” > “Privacy” section on the web, and click the Google Ads Settings link to disable ad personalization.

Additionally, you can edit your ad settings to remove specific interests or preferences.

On the mobile app, you can access the Google Ads Settings by tapping on “Library” > “History” > “History controls” > “Other Google activity” > “Google Ads Settings.”

“By customizing your ad preferences, you can have more control over the types of ads that you see on YouTube. This allows you to make your viewing experience more tailored to your interests and preferences.” – YouTube Help

How to Customize Ad Settings on YouTube

1. On the web: Go to “Settings” > “Privacy” > click Google Ads Settings to disable ad personalization. You can also edit specific interests or preferences.

2. On the mobile app: Tap “Library” > “History” > “History controls” > “Other Google activity” > “Google Ads Settings.”

By customizing your ad preferences, you can have more control over the types of ads that you see on YouTube.

This allows you to make your viewing experience more tailored to your interests and preferences.

StepWebMobile App
1Go to “Settings”Tap “Library”
2Click “Privacy”Select “History”
3Click Google Ads SettingsGo to “History controls”
  Tap “Other Google activity”
  Tap “Google Ads Settings”

Deleting Your Watch and Search History

As a YouTube user, you may want to have control over your watch and search history.

Whether you want to clear your entire history or delete specific videos, YouTube provides easy-to-use options for managing your viewing habits. Here’s how you can delete your watch and search history on YouTube.

Deleting Individual Videos

If you want to remove specific videos from your watch history, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your YouTube homepage and click on “History.”
  2. Hover over the video you want to delete, and click the “X” button that appears.

This will remove the selected video from your watch history.

Clearing All Watch History

If you prefer to delete your entire watch history, here’s how you can do it:

  1. Go to your YouTube homepage and click on “History.”
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Clear All Watch History.”
  3. Confirm your decision by clicking “Clear Watch History” in the pop-up window.

Doing this will delete all the videos in your watch history.

Removing Search History

YouTube also allows you to delete your search history. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your YouTube homepage and click on “History.”
  2. Click on the “Search history” tab.
  3. Hover over the search query you want to remove, and click the “X” button that appears.

This will delete the selected search query from your search history.

By managing and deleting your watch and search history on YouTube, you can maintain your privacy and have better control over the content you’ve watched and searched for.

Take advantage of these simple steps to keep your YouTube experience personalized and private.

YouTube watch history
Can People See What I Watch on YouTube?

Controlling the Privacy of Your Own Videos

If you upload videos to YouTube, it’s important to protect your privacy and control who can see your content.

In the Creator Studio uploads page on the web, you can choose the visibility setting for each video, such as private or unlisted, to restrict access to certain people or keep them hidden from public searches.

On the mobile app, you can edit the privacy settings of your video by tapping on your avatar icon, selecting “My channel,” and then tapping on the three-vertical dots next to each upload to access the privacy options.

By default, when you upload a video, it is set to public, which means anyone can view it.

However, if you want to limit the visibility of your video, you can change the privacy setting. Here are the available options:

Visibility SettingDescription
PublicAnyone can search for and view your video.
UnlistedYour video can only be viewed by people who have the link. It will not appear in search results or on your channel.
PrivateYour video can only be viewed by you and the people you choose to share it with. It will not appear in search results or on your channel.

When you set a video to private or unlisted, you can share the link with specific individuals or embed it on a website without worrying about it being publicly accessible. This gives you greater control over who can see your content.

YouTube video privacy
Can People See What I Watch on YouTube?

Remember, changing the privacy setting of a video that has already been published will not make it private or unlisted retroactively. Any previous shares or embeds will still be accessible to those who have the link. If you want to restrict access to an already published video, you will need to take additional steps, such as deleting the video or changing the privacy setting of each individual share or embed.

Can Others See Your YouTube Viewing History?

Your YouTube viewing history is private and cannot be seen by other users from your YouTube channel page.

However, it’s important to be cautious if you share a computer with others or forget to log out of your YouTube account.

In such cases, those who have access to the shared computer or your logged-in account may be able to see your viewing history.

To protect your privacy and ensure that your YouTube viewing habits remain confidential, there are a few steps you can take.

Firstly, always remember to log out of your YouTube account after using it on a shared computer.

This will prevent others from accessing your viewing history and other personal information associated with your account. Additionally, regularly changing your password can provide an extra layer of security.

Another important precaution is to disable the “Stay Signed In” option when logging into YouTube.

This ensures that you are automatically logged out of your account after a period of inactivity, reducing the risk of others accessing your viewing history.

YouTube Viewing History
Can People See What I Watch on YouTube?

Table: Steps to Protect Your YouTube Viewing History

1Always log out of your YouTube account on shared computers.
2Change your YouTube password regularly.
3Disable the “Stay Signed In” option when logging into YouTube.

By following these simple yet effective steps, you can ensure that your YouTube viewing history remains private and inaccessible to others.

Protecting your privacy is crucial in today’s digital age, and taking these precautions can go a long way in safeguarding your personal information and online activities.

Deleting Your YouTube Viewing History

When using YouTube, you may want to delete your viewing history to maintain your privacy.

By deleting your watch history, you can ensure that your previously watched videos are no longer visible. To delete individual videos from your watch history, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your YouTube homepage
  2. Click on “History”
  3. Hover over the video you want to remove
  4. Click on the “X” button to delete the video

To clear your entire watch history, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your YouTube homepage
  2. Click on “History”
  3. Click on “Clear All Watch History”
  4. Confirm your decision by clicking “Clear Watch History” again

In addition to deleting your watch history, you can also pause your watch history to prevent YouTube from remembering your videos.

Simply toggle the “Pause watch history” option under the “History” section. This will temporarily stop YouTube from tracking the videos you watch.

Changing Your Subscription Privacy Settings

As a YouTube user, you have the ability to control the privacy of your channel subscriptions.

By default, all your subscriptions are set to private, ensuring that others cannot see the channels you follow.

However, if you choose to make your channel subscriptions public, they will be displayed on your channel homepage for everyone to see.

It’s important to note that private subscriptions are not visible to other users, providing an added layer of privacy.

To change your subscription privacy settings, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to YouTube on a computer.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select “Settings.”
  4. In the left-hand sidebar, click on “Privacy.”
  5. Toggle the “Keep all my subscriptions private” option on or off, depending on your preference.

By adjusting your subscription privacy settings, you can tailor your YouTube experience to your comfort level.

Whether you want to keep your subscriptions private or share them with others, YouTube provides the flexibility to customize your privacy settings according to your needs.

Public SubscriptionPrivate Subscription
Your public subscriptions are visible on your channel homepage.Your private subscriptions are not visible to other users.
Other users can see the channels you follow.Your channel subscriptions remain confidential.
Offers transparency about the channels you enjoy.Provides additional privacy for your viewing habits.

Remember to regularly review and update your subscription privacy settings to ensure they align with your desired level of privacy on YouTube.

By taking advantage of these customization options, you can confidently navigate YouTube’s vast content library without compromising your privacy.

Protecting Your Personal Information in Videos

When creating videos for YouTube, it’s essential to be mindful of the personal information that may be inadvertently shared.

Your videos can provide a glimpse into your life, and certain details in the background could unintentionally disclose private information.

Here are some key considerations to help you protect your privacy:

1. Avoid Including Sensitive Information

Be cautious about including sensitive details like your address, license plate, or any other personally identifiable information in the background of your videos.

Even seemingly innocent elements can inadvertently reveal more about you than you might intend.

Take a moment to assess the surroundings before recording to ensure that nothing compromising is visible.

2. Review Your Background

Pay attention to what is visible in your videos beyond personal information.

Assess the objects, photos, or other items in the background that could potentially reveal information about your interests, hobbies, or personal life.

Consider the potential impact of these details being viewed by others and adjust your recording environment accordingly.

3. Think About Your Reflections

Keep in mind that reflections can also unintentionally disclose personal information.

Mirrors, windows, or other reflective surfaces might inadvertently capture sensitive details that you wouldn’t want others to see.

Take a moment to analyze your recording space for any potential reflections and make adjustments as necessary.

By being mindful of these considerations, you can protect your personal information and maintain your privacy when creating videos for YouTube.


Overall, maintaining privacy on YouTube is crucial for many users. By implementing the following tips and utilizing the available settings, you can safeguard your personal information and protect your viewing habits:

  1. Take control of your video preferences by customizing your privacy settings. On the web or mobile app, you can easily toggle the visibility of your liked videos, subscriptions, and saved playlists.
  2. Disable ad personalization by accessing the Google Ads Settings. This helps prevent YouTube from tracking your viewing history for personalized ads.
  3. Regularly delete your watch and search history to minimize the data stored by YouTube. Clearing individual videos or removing all watch and search history can be done effortlessly on both the web and mobile app.
  4. Protect the privacy of your own videos by selecting the appropriate visibility settings. Choose between private or unlisted options to restrict access to specific individuals or keep them hidden from public searches.

Remember to be cautious when including personal information in your videos.

Avoid inadvertently revealing sensitive details in the background of your content, further ensuring your privacy.

By incorporating these measures into your YouTube experience, you can confidently enjoy the platform while safeguarding your privacy and maintaining control over your personal data.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can other people see what I watch on YouTube?

No, your YouTube viewing history is private and cannot be seen by others from your YouTube channel page. However, if you share a computer with others or forget to log out of your YouTube account, they may be able to see your viewing history. To protect your privacy, make sure to log out of your account, regularly change your password, and disable the “Stay Signed In” option when logging in.

How can I hide my video preferences on YouTube?

To hide your video preferences, go to your YouTube homepage on the web, click on your avatar icon, select “Settings,” and then “Privacy.” From there, you can customize the visibility of your liked videos, subscriptions, and saved playlists. On the mobile app, you can tap on your avatar icon, select “My channel,” and under the “Privacy” section, toggle the privacy settings for your liked videos, subscriptions, and saved playlists.

How can I turn off or customize ad personalization on YouTube?

To turn off ad personalization, go to the “Settings” > “Privacy” section on the web, and click the Google Ads Settings link to disable ad personalization. Additionally, you can edit your ad settings to remove specific interests or preferences. On the mobile app, you can access the Google Ads Settings by tapping on “Library” > “History” > “History controls” > “Other Google activity” > “Google Ads Settings.”

How can I delete my watch and search history on YouTube?

To delete individual videos or clear your entire watch history, go to your YouTube homepage on the web, click on “History,” and hover over a video to delete it or choose the option to clear all watch history. You can do the same for your search history. On the mobile app, you can tap on the “Library” icon, select “History,” and use the three-button menu to remove specific videos or clear your entire watch and search history.

How can I control the privacy of my own videos on YouTube?

To protect the privacy of your own videos, go to the Creator Studio uploads page on the web. There, you can choose the visibility setting for each video, such as private or unlisted, to restrict access to certain people or keep them hidden from public searches. On the mobile app, you can edit the privacy settings of your video by tapping on your avatar icon, selecting “My channel,” and then tapping on the three-vertical dots next to each upload to access the privacy options.

Can others see my YouTube viewing history?

No, your YouTube viewing history is private and cannot be seen by other users from your YouTube channel page. However, if you share a computer with others or forget to log out of your YouTube account, they may be able to see your viewing history. Make sure to log out of your account, regularly change your password, and disable the “Stay Signed In” option when logging in to protect your privacy.

How can I delete my YouTube viewing history?

To delete individual videos or clear your entire watch history on YouTube, go to your YouTube homepage on the web, click on “History,” and use the “X” button to remove individual videos or click “Clear All Watch History” to delete all videos from your history. You can also pause your watch history to prevent YouTube from remembering your videos. The same options are available on the mobile app under the “History” section.

How can I change my subscription privacy settings on YouTube?

To change your subscription privacy settings on YouTube, sign in to YouTube on a computer, click on your profile picture, go to “Settings,” select “Privacy,” and toggle the “Keep all my subscriptions private” option on or off. Public subscriptions are listed on your channel homepage, while private subscriptions are not visible to other users.

How can I protect my personal information in videos on YouTube?

To protect your personal information in videos on YouTube, avoid including sensitive details like your address or license plate in the background of your videos. Pay attention to what is visible in your videos to prevent unintentional disclosure of personal information.

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